Hiritiera littoralis  Dryand e. Aitons
Heritiera littoralis Dryand. ex. Aitons 

Tree up to 25 m tall with buttressed trunk, evergree, bark grayish, fissured and scaly 
Leaves simple alternate, coriaceous, elliptic oblong, white beneath with flat scales, petiolate; stipules lanceolate, caducous. 
Inflorescence loose panicles upto 10 cm long, axillary or terminal 
Flowers monoecious; clustered in much branched axillary, calyx bell shaped; corolla pinkish 
fruit oblong, woody, smooth or tubercled. 
Capsule membranous, inflated, pyriform, loculicidally 3-valved. 
Fruit greeni to brown in colour, smooth, ridge on outer edge resembles a chicken's comb 
Economic Importance : Useful timber and used as medicinal treatment for diarrhoea.